Wow, I am still kind of confused as to why the events of the past five days have happened. Let me just recap. Friday (11/06) I missed work because I felt awful, this continued through the weekend. On Monday (11/09) I went to my family doctor and got a prescription, she even called Dr. Anstead (CF doctor) to ask him what he thought I should take. So, I ended up with two prescriptions. I took those, but on Thursday I was still not feeling well at all so decided to give the clinic a call and take plan 2, a trip to my 'home away from home'. So on Thursday (11/12) I got admitted. Now, every CF patient knows what all is involved in a trip to the hospital. We have our chest xrays, our regualar CF doctors, usually the same IV antibiotics, PFTs, labs, etc. This hospital visit was a tad bit different. I went in and did the chest xray that night, okay all fine and dandy. I didn't see my regular CF doctor once, either of them. I didn't do PFTs once. I didn't even get sent home with IV antibiotics (mind you, the antibiotic that I was put on I had never had before and didn't have either of the two normal ones I usually do). Usually when I get home, I am happy and HEALTH(IER).
Today, I got sent home. This time, I'm not happy, to say the least, I'm pretty pissed off for a few reasons actually. One being, I told them this morning I didn't feel up to going home and well here I sit. Two, I didn't get any treatment that I needed. I didn't see my regular doctor, do any PFTs, get the right meds (obviously because I still feel this way), I didn't even get sent home with IV antibiotics. I don't know, I'm done with UK Hospital, it really pushed me over the edge. So now, here I sit, at home, still feeling awful.
What I'm Thankful for Today:
Laughter- Everyone needs to laugh, smile, and feel happiness sometimes. Laughter, in my opinion, is the best cure. As long as you are laughing, you are having a good time. Even somedays, we just need to sit back, prop our feet up on the living room table, and laugh at ourselves. Take a look at the stupid things we have done in the past week, year, as far back as you can remember, and just laugh at yourself. Just think, 'wow Katie, what were you thinking?' I always feel better when I smile and laugh.
My favorite part of this post was the picture!